Friday, September 14, 2007

The Rising Sun

My new life has begun! As I drove across the country (overnight with Trevor!) I couldn't help but think about how this sunrise (probably the first I've seen in years) correlated so well with my Graduation from College and my cross-country move to Philadelphia, PA for Dental School. A new day has begun!

August 19, 2007
6:30pm - Leave Kaysville, UT
August 20, 2007
11:00pm - Arrive in Kirtland, OH
August 21, 2007
11:00pm - Arrive in Philadelphia, PA


Lawrence Erickson said...

Hi Tanner - your mom gave us your blog address - great to see what's happening with you. When you're in
DC again call my sister, Pat Caine; 703 669 0125. They live in
Leesburg, VA 20176-3984 - 18440 Camelback Terrace. Love, Grandpa E.

Matt, Calli, & Dixon said...

Tanner I remember that drive very well myself. I keep reminding myself that it was a rising sun and not a setting sun (trying to stay optimistic) I wonder if we passed each other on our trip. I can only remember endless fields of corn.